Документация OctoberCMS NestedTree

Разработчики OctoberCMS почему-то не стали публиковать на официальном сайте в разделе Traits методы для работы с деревом NestedTree.

OctoberCMS nested set model trait


// Nested set model trait

// Model table must have parent_id, nest_left, nest_right and nest_depth table columns.
// In the model class definition:

use \October\Rain\Database\Traits\NestedTree;


// You can change the column names used by declaring:

const PARENT_ID = 'my_parent_column';
const NEST_LEFT = 'my_left_column';
const NEST_RIGHT = 'my_right_column';
const NEST_DEPTH = 'my_depth_column';

// General access methods:

$model->getRoot(); // Returns the highest parent of a node.
$model->getRootList(); // Returns an indented array of key and value columns from root.
$model->getParent(); // The direct parent node.
$model->getParents(); // Returns all parents up the tree.
$model->getParentsAndSelf(); // Returns all parents up the tree and self.
$model->getChildren(); // Set of all direct child nodes.
$model->getSiblings(); // Return all siblings (parent's children).
$model->getSiblingsAndSelf(); // Return all siblings and self.
$model->getLeaves(); // Returns all final nodes without children.
$model->getDepth(); // Returns the depth of a current node.
$model->getChildCount(); // Returns number of all children.

// Query builder methods:

$query->withoutNode(); // Filters a specific node from the results.
$query->withoutSelf(); // Filters current node from the results.
$query->withoutRoot(); // Filters root from the results.
$query->children(); // Filters as direct children down the tree.
$query->allChildren(); // Filters as all children down the tree.
$query->parent(); // Filters as direct parent up the tree.
$query->parents(); // Filters as all parents up the tree.
$query->siblings(); // Filters as all siblings (parent's children).
$query->leaves(); // Filters as all final nodes without children.
$query->getNested(); // Returns an eager loaded collection of results.
$query->listsNested(); // Returns an indented array of key and value columns.

// Flat result access methods:

$model->getAll(); // Returns everything in correct order.
$model->getAllRoot(); // Returns all root nodes.
$model->getAllChildren(); // Returns all children down the tree.
$model->getAllChildrenAndSelf(); // Returns all children and self.

// Eager loaded access methods:

$model->getEagerRoot(); // Returns a list of all root nodes, with ->children eager loaded.
$model->getEagerChildren(); // Returns direct child nodes, with ->children eager loaded.

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